Pom Pom Turtle Camp

Hello Pom Pom Lovers! We have very exciting news for you all: The Pom Pom Turtle Camp! Volunteer program for sea turtle conservation and preservation Pom Pom Sea Turtle Conservation Camp gives you the unique chance to explore the beautiful world of sea turtles and the warm, pristine waters of the Celebes [...]

Marine Life in Pom Pom Island Resort Housereef

Hello Pom Pom Lovers, I heard that some of you love to go for a morning snorkelling or diving in mandarin house-reef, a wonderful dive site at a fin kick from the jetty! Take a few minutes break to enjoy this video made by our Resident Marine Biologist, Oriana! I will then wait for [...]

Memo of Understanding with Sabah Wildlife Department about Pom Pom Turtle Hatchery

Hello Pom Pom Lovers! It’s time to celebrate here in Pom Pom! At the end of Semporna Hari Penyu (Semporna Turtle Day), we renew our Memorandum of Understanding with the amazing Sabah Wildlife Department for Pom Pom Island Turtle Hatchery! A huge thank you go to WWF-Malaysia for the (almost) daily help!! Our marine biologist Oriana and reservation [...]

Hi Pom Pom Lovers!

We have a limited space left in our resort in June, July and August - don't miss it! Pom Pom Island Resort is known for its clear blue water, breath-taking sunsets and completely pedestrian way of life - travel around the tiny island by foot, bicycle or kayak. Moreover, the sea turtle nesting season is about [...]

Sea turtles are coming back!

Our sea turtle hatchery is getting full again! On 2017, we have released 8430 Green and Hawksbill hatchlings into the turquoise water of the Celebes Sea, and right now we have 5 green and 2 hawksbill turtle nests ready to hatch in the next few weeks. Visit Pom Pom Island Resort and discover more [...]

Kevin Group from Kuala Lumpur

Mr.Kevin Group 12 pax visited Pom Pom from Kuala Lumpur ! ~Sally's Diary~ The group of Malaysians from KL came to Pom Pom and in the afternoon we took them to Mantabuan for a snorkelling trip.  The weather was lovely, and the sea calm so perfect conditions for fish watching and enjoying the colourful reef life. [...]

Morning in Pom Pom

Dry season has started in Pom Pom....It's hot from morning ! ポンポン島は乾季に入ったようです。朝から暑い!刺すような日差しです・・・ Morning in Pom Pom... In the silence...What we can hear is only the sound of waves....and birds singing.... 静寂の中、聞こえてくるのは波の音、そして鳥のさえずり。。。 fresh air and wind ....さわやかな空気と風。。。 At Water Villa....水上コテージでは。。。 Morning Coffee with Sun rise.... 朝日を眺めながらのモーニングコーヒー from balcony stairs...バルコニーの階段を下りて。。。。 go to morning snorkeling (^ [...]

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