Memo of Understanding with Sabah Wildlife Department about Pom Pom Turtle Hatchery

Hello Pom Pom Lovers! It’s time to celebrate here in Pom Pom! At the end of Semporna Hari Penyu (Semporna Turtle Day), we renew our Memorandum of Understanding with the amazing Sabah Wildlife Department for Pom Pom Island Turtle Hatchery! A huge thank you go to WWF-Malaysia for the (almost) daily help!! Our marine biologist Oriana and reservation [...]

So close yet still So many nests

We are so near the end of the nesting season yet we are still finding so many nest. 2 nests were found in 2 consecutive days. 80 green turtle eggs were on the 24th and another 89 green turtle eggs found on the 25th. In total we have 7 nests in our hatchery with expected hatching dates [...]

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