Best Hatchery Practices Training in Pom Pom Island Resort

Hello Pom Pom Lovers! We are very happy to host in our resort the Best Hatchery Practices Training organized by WWF Malaysia and Sabah Wildlife Department! The aim of the training is to improve the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of all the participants. We had very informative talks about sea turtle [...]

Pom Pom Island Resort Sea Turtle Conservation Program

Hello Pom Pom Lovers, You may have already heard about our sea turtle conservation program :) Sea turtles are under threat in the world’s oceans and are officially listed as threatened by IUCN (the International Union for Conservation of Nature). Pom Pom Island is an important nesting and feeding sites for Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) [...]

Memo of Understanding with Sabah Wildlife Department about Pom Pom Turtle Hatchery

Hello Pom Pom Lovers! It’s time to celebrate here in Pom Pom! At the end of Semporna Hari Penyu (Semporna Turtle Day), we renew our Memorandum of Understanding with the amazing Sabah Wildlife Department for Pom Pom Island Turtle Hatchery! A huge thank you go to WWF-Malaysia for the (almost) daily help!! Our marine biologist Oriana and reservation [...]

Anuska’s Sea Turtle Nest Hatched!!

Yesterday afternoon, a green turtle nest adopted by Anuska, finally hatched!! More than 60 hatchlings have been released to the sea during high tide. As always, was a spectacular event for all the guests who joined the release... I am very much happy to share these precious moments with you all. Keep supporting conservation [...]

Lucky Saturday

Hello Pom Pom Lovers! We had a very lucky day here at Pom Pom Island Resort! A Green Turtle and Hawksbill Turtle babies, hatch from their nest en masse and then rush to the sea all together to increase their chances of survival against predators. We release in total more than 200 baby turtles. [...]


Pom Pom Island houses one of the major turtle nesting & hatchery in Malaysia The turtle season is starting and you will have the unique opportunity to see the young hatchlings release!   Come and join us!! for more info check out our Facebook page Pom Pom Island Resort or contact [...]

Green Turtle Nest Adoption

A big thank you to our turtle sponsor Vivian for adopting a green turtle nest! When we find a sea turtle nests we protect it! On occasion, we need to relocate the nests. This could be because the eggs were laid too close to the water: if turtle eggs are often under water, they [...]

Turtle babies were born and back to the sea ! 海龟蛋孵化了和海龟宝宝回到海里!

26 Apr 2015,  one of the turtle nests hatched at 5:15pm. This is the nest collected by our turtle staff : Palson on 23 Feb. 2015年4月26日, 其中一个海龟蛋在下午5:15孵化。 这些海龟蛋是我们的海龟保护人员,Palson在2月23日拾取的。 10 of the green turtle babies were back to the sea supported by by our house guests from China, France and Malaysia. Some more baby [...]

By |April 28th, 2015|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |
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