Sea Turtle Helper!

This month we have been quite busy making changes to our  Pom Pom Sea Turtle Hatchery! A big thanks to all the amazing people that contributed to the Sea Turtle Conservation Program: Alisha, Pier Dullio, Almarosa, Rossana, Stefano, Serena, Anna, Tracy, Arno, Emilia, Mr Lau, Mr Bahar, Emanuel, Laus and all the others!! Share [...]

Anuska’s Sea Turtle Nest Hatched!!

Yesterday afternoon, a green turtle nest adopted by Anuska, finally hatched!! More than 60 hatchlings have been released to the sea during high tide. As always, was a spectacular event for all the guests who joined the release... I am very much happy to share these precious moments with you all. Keep supporting conservation [...]


Here in Pom Pom Island Resort, we celebrated the “Earth Day” in a very special way! During the morning, 47 green turtle hatchlings made their own way to the great blue! It was completely amazing to see how fast baby turtles can run when they feel the sea and we all love it! Later, [...]

Carolina and Alessandro Nest Hatched!

Watching a "hatchling" struggle out of the nest and make its own way to the water is very special and emotional experience.... Last night, after the daily turtle patrol, the conservation team checked few nests, and one of them  (green turtle, 44 eggs), sponsored by Carolina and Alessandro, was just starting to hatch!! In [...]

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