Pom Pom Island Resort Sea Turtle Conservation Program

Hello Pom Pom Lovers, You may have already heard about our sea turtle conservation program :) Sea turtles are under threat in the world’s oceans and are officially listed as threatened by IUCN (the International Union for Conservation of Nature). Pom Pom Island is an important nesting and feeding sites for Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) [...]

Anuska’s Sea Turtle Nest Hatched!!

Yesterday afternoon, a green turtle nest adopted by Anuska, finally hatched!! More than 60 hatchlings have been released to the sea during high tide. As always, was a spectacular event for all the guests who joined the release... I am very much happy to share these precious moments with you all. Keep supporting conservation [...]

Did you ever dream to swim with sea turtles?

If you enjoy snorkelling or diving, you absolutely have to graduate from fish to sea turtles! Observing these amazing creatures in their natural habitat is a magical experience... While diving or snorkelling you will have the unique opportunity to see Layla, one of our resident green turtle, taking a nap or Arlenita, resting on [...]

A very special night…

How often do we get the opportunity to witness sea turtles nesting on the beach rather than to watch it on the idiot box? With our Turtle Conservation Team, you have that chance and it will probably be the best thing you have ever experienced so far! Pom Pom Island is one of the [...]

Coral Grows Very Well in Pom Pom Coral Frame!

The frame been deployed last 1st July 2012. We started to plant the coral on the 1st of August 2012, and after 19 months they have grown very well, although a few of them didn't make it . Even Also some of the sponsors tags I can't see it anymore since the corals have started to [...]

Coral Frame No.2 Successful Deployed!

Yesterday morning we successful deployed our Coral Frame No.2 at Pom Pom Housereef. Yeay! It is ready for planting. Ready for planting, waiting for coral adopter! Now we open to everybody to adopt a coral to place on the Coral Frame No. 2. Anybody interested can contact me directly via email at melissa@pompomisland.com. [...]

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