Best Hatchery Practices Training in Pom Pom Island Resort

Hello Pom Pom Lovers! We are very happy to host in our resort the Best Hatchery Practices Training organized by WWF Malaysia and Sabah Wildlife Department! The aim of the training is to improve the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of all the participants. We had very informative talks about sea turtle [...]

Injured Green Turtle and Surgery

Yesterday afternoon, volunteers spotted a green turtle attached to a mooring line with a fishing line around the front leg. The flipper was missing and the bone protruding. Oriana, our resident Marine Biologist and Rayner, our Honorary Wildlife Warden, taken care of the turtle, while waiting for specialist vets, the Wildlife Rescue Unit (WRU) of [...]

Workshop on Turtle Conservation

On 21-22nd March, our Marine Biologist, Oriana Migliaccio and the Honorary Wildlife Wardens, Rayner Ignatius, have been attending the Turtle Hatchery SOP meeting run by Sabah Wildlife Department and WWF Malaysia. A practical session has been held in our hatcheries! We are proud to be part of #turtleconservation! Turtle Hatchery SOP meeting run [...]

WWF & Sabah Wildlife Department (SWD) visit Pom Pom!

On 1st November, WWF-Malaysia, WWF-Indonesia & Sabah Wildlife Department visited Pom Pom Island resort for the Advisory and Monitoring Programme of Turtle Conservation in Pom Pom Island. This Turtle Advisory Group and Monitoring Programme visit is one of the strategies identified for turtle conservation in the northeast islands including Pom Pom Island. This field visit [...]

Recognition as 1 part of the CTI-RBF!!

On the 10-11th Oct 2011, Pom Pom Island Resort attends the Coral Triangle Initiative Regional Business Forum (CTI-RBF) in Royale Chulan, Kuala Lumpur. CTI Regional Business Forum consist of 6 country; Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea. Among this, Pom Pom Island Resort been recognized as the part of CTI-RBF. On [...]

By |October 23rd, 2011|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |
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