Green Turtle Nest Adoption

A big thank you to our turtle sponsor Vivian for adopting a green turtle nest! When we find a sea turtle nests we protect it! On occasion, we need to relocate the nests. This could be because the eggs were laid too close to the water: if turtle eggs are often under water, they [...]

Great Job Giovanni and Alberto!

On 30th April, Giovanni and Alberto planted with me 4 corals on a new artificial reef, located in mandarin house-reef at a depth of 2.1 meters. This time was not an easy task! The reef was quite deep and the sea rough…but our hero did their best and now “Bambino” and “Trinità” have a [...]

Turtle Nest outside Beach Villa

Last night our guests staying at Beach Villa 2 had a surprise when they saw a large Green Turtle outside their room making her nest.  We were lucky enough to be able to quietly watch her as she dug the hole then laid her eggs, as it was full moon there was no problem to [...]

By |July 16th, 2011|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Thank you Sam, Amy and Ben!

Our young turtle nest sponsors should be very proud last night as they have sponsored a very successful nest! At 9pm we had our latest hatching of baby Hawksbill turtles, from a lay of 129 eggs, we had 120 baby turtles witnessed by many of our guests from all over the world.  We counted the [...]

By |June 16th, 2011|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Turtle nest sponsors

A big thank you to Ms.Gail & Mr.Paul & Mr.Keith who have very kindly sponsored our turtle nest which have been transferred to hatchery on 23.March. This latest nest is green turtle eggs, they will hatch in about 60 days.  We want to thank you all very much for your kind support and look forward [...]

By |March 26th, 2011|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , |
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