Sea Turtle Helper!

This month we have been quite busy making changes to our  Pom Pom Sea Turtle Hatchery! A big thanks to all the amazing people that contributed to the Sea Turtle Conservation Program: Alisha, Pier Dullio, Almarosa, Rossana, Stefano, Serena, Anna, Tracy, Arno, Emilia, Mr Lau, Mr Bahar, Emanuel, Laus and all the others!! Share [...]

Hi Pom Pom Lovers!

We have a limited space left in our resort in June, July and August - don't miss it! Pom Pom Island Resort is known for its clear blue water, breath-taking sunsets and completely pedestrian way of life - travel around the tiny island by foot, bicycle or kayak. Moreover, the sea turtle nesting season is about [...]

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