Here in Pom Pom Island Resort, we celebrated the “Earth Day” in a very special way! During the morning, 47 green turtle hatchlings made their own way to the great blue! It was completely amazing to see how fast baby turtles can run when they feel the sea and we all love it! Later, [...]


Our coral reef restoration project keeps going on thanks to the great effort of the Coral Conservation team. This month, new artificial reefs have been deployed into the water and new corals have been attached on it! We hope these little guys will grow healthy and strong 😊 Planting corals seem easy, but is [...]


Last week has been particularly full of events here in Pom Pom… We started the first day of the turtle week, with 65 green hatchlings…released into the sea around 9:00 pm! On the second day of the “turtle week”, during the beach cleaning, a small green turtle with floater syndrome was found around the [...]

Coral Grows Very Well in Pom Pom Coral Frame!

The frame been deployed last 1st July 2012. We started to plant the coral on the 1st of August 2012, and after 19 months they have grown very well, although a few of them didn't make it . Even Also some of the sponsors tags I can't see it anymore since the corals have started to [...]

Involvement in Coral Planting Project in Sibuan Island organized by Sabah Parks

On the 15th-16th February 2012, Pom Pom Island Resort was involved in the Coral Planting Project in Sibuan Island organized by Sabah Parks the Marine Park of the state. The objective of the project is to restore the coral reef area that has been destroyed decades ago. With our involvement in the project, indirectly we [...]

By |February 19th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

Artificial Reef

The first newly designed block in creating our new artificial reef entered that water yesterday evening.   With all the Dive Crew helping, the block was lowered into the sea and placed into position.  At this stage, it has gone into water slightly too deep for our purpose in replanting corals on to it, so over [...]

By |November 24th, 2010|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

Seek & Destroy

~Sally's Diary~ We have accomplished another successful mission for removal of the Crown of Thorns starfish from the beautiful reefs at Mantabuan. Mike, Yunus and myself spent this morning seeking them out and collecting them up into baskets for safe removal from the sea. It is very important not to harm them whilst removing them [...]

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