Here in Pom Pom Island Resort, we celebrated the “Earth Day” in a very special way!

During the morning, 47 green turtle hatchlings made their own way to the great blue! It was completely amazing to see how fast baby turtles can run when they feel the sea and we all love it!

Later, Oriana, our resident marine biologist and Samrie, one of our passionate snorkelling guide, had a coral planting session in our housereef. With the help of some volunteer guests, they deployed 2 new blocks and planted new corals fragments.

A special thank goes to Family Huang.

Family Huang adopted 6 coral fragments and a green turtle nest, that will hatch soon!


We are surrounded by amazing creatures and it’s very important to protect them as member of our family!!

Keep sharing our love for sea turtles and coral reefs!!

Keep supporting conservation!!