Our coral reef restoration project keeps going on thanks to the great effort of the Coral Conservation team. This month, new artificial reefs have been deployed into the water and new corals have been attached on it! We hope these little guys will grow healthy and strong 😊 Planting corals seem easy, but is [...]

Exploring our house reef(coral frames)

Yesterday, we brought a lovely couple who were very interested in our coral frame project for a dive around our house reef to have a look at our coral frames. They were amazed by the number of fish species(from lionfishes, moorish idols, huge butterfly fish to ghost pipefish even a green turtle swam past us) [...]

By |October 13th, 2014|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

Coral Frame No.2 Successful Deployed!

Yesterday morning we successful deployed our Coral Frame No.2 at Pom Pom Housereef. Yeay! It is ready for planting. Ready for planting, waiting for coral adopter! Now we open to everybody to adopt a coral to place on the Coral Frame No. 2. Anybody interested can contact me directly via email at melissa@pompomisland.com. [...]

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