Dry season has started in Pom Pom….It’s hot from morning !


morning pom pom 1

Morning in Pom Pom…

morning pom pom 2

In the silence…What we can hear is only the sound of waves….and birds singing….


morining pom pom 3

fresh air and wind ….さわやかな空気と風。。。

water villa 1

At Water Villa….水上コテージでは。。。

water villa 2

Morning Coffee with Sun rise…. 朝日を眺めながらのモーニングコーヒー

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from balcony stairs…バルコニーの階段を下りて。。。。

Water Villa 4

Let's dive to the blue lagoon !

go to morning snorkeling (^ ^)

There is an “another world”  here…

(this is the comment from guest)
