Baby Turtles were born !

  Baby Turtles were born on 1.April & 4.April , 2 times in this week ! One time from our hatchery which we bury eggs in 16.Feb....the another time from around our guest room Beach Villa 3 , this was unexpected fantastic happening, because nobody realized that the nest of turtle eggs was there ! 海亀の赤ちゃんが卵からかえりました。4/1と4/4、なんと今週は2回!1回は2月16日に埋めた卵の保護センターから、もう1回はなんとビーチヴィラの3号室付近。ここに海亀が以前産卵に来ていたなんて誰も気づかなかったので、予想外のハプニングにみんなビックリ。 We [...]


~Sally's Diary~ On the 23rd of February, we hosted the WWF Adessium meeting on behalf of Gavin Jolis, the meeting was attended by Dato Panglima and his daugher, Nino Ho, WWF, Jan Versteegh WWF Netherlands, Ken Kassem, (WWF),Dr Arun Venkataraman, WWF Malaysia, Sharon Ng Lay Har, WWF Malaysia, Angela Lim Lee Hee, WWF Malaysia , [...]

Sally’s parents visited Pom Pom !

~Sally's Diary~ Sally has been very happy this week, as my parents have been able to travel to Sipadan Pom Pom Island and see where I work on our lovely island.  The weather has been really good, nice sunny days with a soft sea breeze, we went snorkelling to Mantabuan and saw many types of [...]

Congratulations “PADI SCUBA DIVER”

~Michelle's Diary~ Congratulations to Ms.Desiree from Austria, she is now a " PADI SCUBA DIVER " . First open water dive we see an ornate ghost pipe fish. Second open water dive, 5 turtles....that's Pom Pom (^ ^)☆ ~ミッシェルの日記~ オーストリアからのゲスト、ディジリーさん。リゾートでパディ・スクーバダイバーコースを取得されました。取得後、初めてのダイビングではニシキフウライウオ、2回目のダイビングではなんと海亀5匹に遭遇。。。これぞポンポンダイブ~ってカンジ☆

By |December 19th, 2009|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , |

WWF Inspection

This week the World Wildlife Fund have come to inspect our new hatchery at Pom Pom Island. Gavin Jollis, the new turtle specialist looked around our new hatchery, remarking how attractive but functional it was, fitting into the Pom Pom Island design. During the visit over coffee Sally and Marco asked Nina Ho and Gavin [...]

New Turtle Hatchery Area

Pom Pom William is working for..... うちのウィリアム氏。。。何をしているかといいますと・・・ New Turtle Hatchery protected area has been reformed. 海亀の卵の保護施設、リフォーム工事完成! Turtle eggs will be hatched around early November which buried on 20.september. 9月20日に埋めた卵が11月の上旬ごろには孵化する予定。。 If you are lucky, you may have a chance to see the scene that baby turtles are born from the eggs during you stay in [...]

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