Baby Turtles were born !
Baby Turtles were born on 1.April & 4.April , 2 times in this week ! One time from our hatchery which we bury eggs in 16.Feb....the another time from around our guest room Beach Villa 3 , this was unexpected fantastic happening, because nobody realized that the nest of turtle eggs was there ! 海亀の赤ちゃんが卵からかえりました。4/1と4/4、なんと今週は2回!1回は2月16日に埋めた卵の保護センターから、もう1回はなんとビーチヴィラの3号室付近。ここに海亀が以前産卵に来ていたなんて誰も気づかなかったので、予想外のハプニングにみんなビックリ。 We [...]