First Student

Welcome and well done to Alexandra from Italy who has just joined us as our new Italian Dive Instructor for qualifying her first PADI open water student here at Pom Pom Island.  Alexandra speaks English and Italian and has previously worked as an Instructor in Italy so she is bringing a wealth of experience to [...]

By |December 2nd, 2010|Categories: News|Tags: , |

Pom Pom Diary 21.4.09

Turtle came up at the Beach and laid eggs again during midnight. In the next morning, We collected the turtle eggs ,and transferred them to the protected area… 前日の深夜、海亀がまた産卵に訪れました。翌朝、卵は回収して保護エリアへ移動。。 […]

Japan Marine Diving Magazine & Sabah Tourism in Pom Pom!

なんと!日本からあの「マリンダイビングマガジン 」から記者とフォトグラファーの方が取材に見えました。 そして、私が日本にまだいる頃からファンだったマレーシア・サバ州観光局のサバ・ツーリズムから、「コタキナコさん」も同日にチェックイン。 超有名雑誌の取材に、憧れのコタキナコさんとの初対面・・・緊張ーーーー!!! The writer and photographer of most  famous Japanese Dive Magazine “Marine Diving  Magazine ,visited Pom Pom. Also, Ms.Kotakinako from Sabah Tourism check in at the same day as well. I have been the  fun of Ms.Kotakinako since I had stayed in Japan. My tension reached to the peak to meet with this guests from Japan! [...]

Pom Pom Model Club –

Photographer from Hong Kong ( visited Pom Pom ! Before they visited here,we prepared show rooms…and stand by for photo shooting…some of  our staff might participate in the photo shooting ,our staff mood was the Pom Pom Model ….! 香港から撮影隊の方が訪れました。( リゾートでは撮影前にショールームを準備したり、スタッフも撮影に参加できるかも、、、ということで、スタッフの気分はポンポンモデルモード。。。! […]

Pom Pom hot greeting! ポンポンの流行語

Our boom this year is to say “Thank you” by Japanese word “arigato” brought “arigato man ” in the island,also we call each other added “san” to the end of the name for Mr.& Ms. (for example,when they call me,they call me “chiemi san”) One Japanese Language boom has finished in pompom…..though it still has been used among [...]

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