Manta Ray seen on morning dive!

Wow, our divers had an amazing second dive today at Pandanan Island Reef.  After their surface interval, they started the second dive as usual along the back wall at Pandanan, about half way during the dive, Ron, our Dive Master saw a Manta Ray approaching from the blue, he started rapping his tank to get [...]

By |October 16th, 2010|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |

First eLearning students at Pom Pom

Congratulations to our first e-Learning Open Water Divers from China who have successfully completed their course yesterday!  They opted to complete the theory section on line using the PADI e-Learning system, then come to Pom Pom to take the confined water lessons and open water dives. ポンポンリゾート初のe-ラーニングによるオープンウォーターコースを受講したのは中国からのゲスト。きのう無事に海洋実習も終了し、ダイバーデビュー。おめでとう!この4人組、旅行前に中国の自宅でPDIのe-ラーニングを受講。そしてポンポン島で海洋レッスンを実施。 I asked them how they felt about the [...]

Divers Group ” Poseidon x 8pax” from Japan

Japanese Divers 8 pax visited Pom Pom from Hokkaido,Japan. (Dive shop " POSEIDON" They enjoyed 4 dives per day, they are powerful and cheerful ladies group! We celebrated Ms.Chieko san for her 200 dives . 北海道のダイブショップ”ポセイドンから8名様がポンポンし島へご滞在。1日に4本ものダイビングをこなす元気いっぱいのパワフル女性グループ! リゾートではチエコさんの200本ダイブのお祝いもしました。

By |June 12th, 2010|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |

Congratulations “PADI SCUBA DIVER”

~Michelle's Diary~ Congratulations to Ms.Desiree from Austria, she is now a " PADI SCUBA DIVER " . First open water dive we see an ornate ghost pipe fish. Second open water dive, 5 turtles....that's Pom Pom (^ ^)☆ ~ミッシェルの日記~ オーストリアからのゲスト、ディジリーさん。リゾートでパディ・スクーバダイバーコースを取得されました。取得後、初めてのダイビングではニシキフウライウオ、2回目のダイビングではなんと海亀5匹に遭遇。。。これぞポンポンダイブ~ってカンジ☆

By |December 19th, 2009|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , |

Self Diving at Pom Pom

Self Diving at Jetty is popular among Japanese Divers after 3 boat dives. 3本目のボートダイブのあと、桟橋からのセルフダイビングが日本人ダイバーに人気です。 Guest start diving from the end of buoy... and then make their way back to the Jetty. Pom Pom's dive boat will be standing by at the Jetty, and is ready to give any assistance if needed. 浮標の最終地点より海中へエントリー。そこから桟橋へ戻るのが本日のセルフダイビング。 In Pom [...]

By |December 7th, 2009|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Macro Life

Having  spend 12 years as an active diver and 5 of those years as a Padi Instructor, I have enjoyed diving experiences all over the World, the North Sea, Scotland, Egypt, Greece, Cave diving in Sardinia, Malaysia Pennisular to name a few, and on the majority of those dives I would spend my time, looking [...]

Diving at Pom Pom Resort

Pom Pom Diving System 3 boat dives / day included  in diver package(except check -in day & check out day) 2boat dive at neighboring islands, 1 boat dive at pom pom. Also,you can enjoy free self diving from Pom Pom Jetty by buddy system as well ! ポンポン島でのダイビングシステム 1日3本ボートダイブがパッケージに含まれています。(チェックイン・チェックアウト日を除く) 2本のボートダイブは近隣の島で、残りの1本はポンポン島周辺でのダイビングです。 また、バディシステムでのセルフダイビングもリゾートジェティよりお楽しみいただけます。 […]

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