Congratulations “PADI SCUBA DIVER”

~Michelle's Diary~ Congratulations to Ms.Desiree from Austria, she is now a " PADI SCUBA DIVER " . First open water dive we see an ornate ghost pipe fish. Second open water dive, 5 turtles....that's Pom Pom (^ ^)☆ ~ミッシェルの日記~ オーストリアからのゲスト、ディジリーさん。リゾートでパディ・スクーバダイバーコースを取得されました。取得後、初めてのダイビングではニシキフウライウオ、2回目のダイビングではなんと海亀5匹に遭遇。。。これぞポンポンダイブ~ってカンジ☆

By |December 19th, 2009|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , |

Under Water Pictures

One guests from Japan stayed in Pom Pom for 10 nights & enjoyed diving. I introduce some of the pictures on this page which he took at our dive sites. 先日、10日間滞在された日本からのゲストにいただいた水中写真をご紹介いたします。 You can discover a lot of macro sea creatures around Pom Pom....also you may find the scene of fairy tales in the macro creatures life... ポンポン島周辺ではたくさんのマクロ生物をご覧いただけます。マクロライフ...それはまさにメルヘンでおとぎ話のような世界 。。。 fantastic [...]

Full of Life – Pom Pom Photography #2

It was a fun afternoon dive today, with lots of findings at one of our local house reefs: New Life 3.30pm After our descend, Jon lead the group and slowly worked our way to finding the "rock"... We were on a mission, to spot a frogfish that Sally saw (or might have) on her previous [...]

The Ornate (Harlequin) Ghost Pipefish

I have just spend 3 very enjoyable days with a small party of our Japanese Guests, 2 of which were photographers, we had some great dives and found some wonderful subjects for them to take, the highlight was an ornate ghost pipefish. サリーでございま~す!日本から3人のダイバーゲストと楽しい3日間を過ごしました。うち、ふたりのゲストはフォト派ダイバー。被写体としてもバッチリの生物もしっかり見れました。今回のハイライトはこれ、ornate ghost pipe fish (ニシキフウライウオ) We had a very friendly, large [...]

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