Full of Life – Pom Pom Photography #2

It was a fun afternoon dive today, with lots of findings at one of our local house reefs: New Life 3.30pm After our descend, Jon lead the group and slowly worked our way to finding the "rock"... We were on a mission, to spot a frogfish that Sally saw (or might have) on her previous [...]

Pom Pom Diary 21.4.09

Turtle came up at the Beach and laid eggs again during midnight. In the next morning, We collected the turtle eggs ,and transferred them to the protected area… 前日の深夜、海亀がまた産卵に訪れました。翌朝、卵は回収して保護エリアへ移動。。 […]

Singing Practice for Christmas

Ciao Bella~~~~~~~~~(^▽^)/ Raining stopped here just now,and weather is gradually getting better… One couple from local area check out yesterday,they stayed at our Water Villa,and took a diving course. During they stay here,weather was very fine,I think they enjoyed a beautiful view from the water villa standing on the blue lagoon. チャオベラ~、みなさん!ここポンポンでは雨も上がり、天候も少しずつ回復しております。 ローカルのカップルゲストが昨日チェックアウト。このカップルは水上ヴィラへご宿泊、ダイビングコースも受講されました。カップルご滞在中は天候も良好、ブルーラグーンに建つ水上コテージからの美しい景色もお楽しみいただけたとおもいます。 [...]

Christmas Decorations

Ciao,Everyone! Do you already have a plan for your Chirstmas?? We will have special things at Pom Pom Resort ! oops,this is still secret….hehehe Now we are going to prepare the things….just finished decorating christmas trees,and now we start to display the decorations in the restaurant. 皆様、こんにちは。クリスマスのご予定はお決まりですかー??ポンポンではスペシャルな事を計画中。。おおっっと!詳細についてはまだまだ秘密です。。。へへへ。。 ただ今、クリスマスの準備中。クリスマスツリーの飾りつけなどが終わり、レストランの飾りつけもこれからはじめます。 Our check out guest today is the [...]

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