Dragon Fruit

Now is the Dragon Fruit season at Pom Pom Island.  We grow this large and unusual fruit in our gardens close to the kitchen for our guests to enjoy.  The purple fruit as a light and delicate taste and is best served cut in half and eaten with a spoon.  Chiemi san has been helping [...]

By |July 26th, 2010|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Pom Pom Flower Artists

We welcomed Mr.Bruno & Ms.Alessandra who stayed in Pom Pom 12 nights from Italy with flower necklace & room decorations by staff. 先日イタリアから12泊で滞在されたブルーノさんとアレッサンドラさん。チェックイン時はスタッフ・ヤスミンによるお花のネックレス、そしてお部屋もハウスキーピングによるお花のデコレーションで飾りつけをしてお迎えしました。 Flower necklaces were sent by Stella & Chiemi Welcome to Pom Pom Island!!!

By |February 12th, 2010|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , |

Wedding Photos

One couple visited Pom Pom from Sarawak, Malaysia with photographer to take Wedding photos.マレーシアのサラワクから、1組のカップルが結婚式用の写真を撮りにフォトグラファーと共にポンポンにやって来ました。 Esa & Chiemi assisted them at water villa in sunset time.サンセットタイムにエッサとちえみも水上コテージにてお手伝い。。。 Check out other Wedding posts taken at Pom Pom Island

Pom Pom Photography #1

Hello and welcome to Pom Pom Photography #1. Today I’ll be posting some underwater pictures that I took with my Canon G10 (WP-DC28 Underwater case). I have just started taking pictures (as well as diving), and hope you like it! ど~も~こんにちは!ポンポン島のジェーソンですー。ポンポン写真館♯1へようこそ。今日は購入したてのカメラ、Canon G10 (WP-DC28 Underwater case)で撮影した写真をご紹介します。写真撮影もダイビングもまだ始めたばかりです。ご紹介する写真をみなさんに気に入っていただけるとうれしいです。 All pictures are taken at surrounding islands around Pom Pom [...]

Pom Pom hot greeting! ポンポンの流行語

Our boom this year is to say “Thank you” by Japanese word “arigato” brought “arigato man ” in the island,also we call each other added “san” to the end of the name for Mr.& Ms. (for example,when they call me,they call me “chiemi san”) One Japanese Language boom has finished in pompom…..though it still has been used among [...]

Pom Pom Tree ??

This is  “Pandanus” (Pandanaceae), there are many natural pandanus trees here in Pom Pom. The fruit looks similar to Pineapple,but it is quite different …Dictionary describes coconut crab eat this fruit, and we can see bat eating this fruit as well in pom pom island. Leaves of this tree looks like “pom pon” for cheerleader item, so we call [...]

The real Hello World!

Alrighty, Pom Pom Island now has got its blog up and running! Post away! Latest updates so far: Pom Pom Island main website translated into Japanese! A new Email Reply template for customer enquiring on the island Affiliation with Mount Kinabalu Heritage Resort & Spa I intended this to be my first post but I [...]

By |November 27th, 2008|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |
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