Frogfish find at Timba Timba

~Michelle's Diary~ During a diving trip to Timba Timba at about 9meters Michelle found a baby Orange giant frog fish.  Very delighted with her find but having no camera she marked the place and surfaced to borrow a camera so she could capture an image for the blog. ~ミッシェルの日記~ ティンバティンバ島でダイビング中、深度9メートル地点でオレンジ・ジャイアントフロッグフィッシュ(カエルアンコウ)の赤ちゃんを見つけたの!ほんと小さくてチョ~かわいいんだから!見つけたときはとってもうれしかったわ。でもあいにくカメラを持ってなかったので場所をしっかり覚えて海面へいったん浮上、スタッフにカメラを借りて再度海中へ。ブログ用に写真を撮ってきたわ☆

By |April 17th, 2010|Categories: News|Tags: , , |


~Sally's Diary~ On the 23rd of February, we hosted the WWF Adessium meeting on behalf of Gavin Jolis, the meeting was attended by Dato Panglima and his daugher, Nino Ho, WWF, Jan Versteegh WWF Netherlands, Ken Kassem, (WWF),Dr Arun Venkataraman, WWF Malaysia, Sharon Ng Lay Har, WWF Malaysia, Angela Lim Lee Hee, WWF Malaysia , [...]

Happy Celebration 14.February

~Sally's Diary ~ Wow, after 2 great dives at Timba Timba, our diving guests were very lucky and witnessed a pod of dolphins close to Pom Pom Island.  We had 2 dive boats and all our guests were fortunate to see the dolphins jumping and spinning in the water, we think there were about 30 [...]

Pom Pom Photography #1

Hello and welcome to Pom Pom Photography #1. Today I’ll be posting some underwater pictures that I took with my Canon G10 (WP-DC28 Underwater case). I have just started taking pictures (as well as diving), and hope you like it! ど~も~こんにちは!ポンポン島のジェーソンですー。ポンポン写真館♯1へようこそ。今日は購入したてのカメラ、Canon G10 (WP-DC28 Underwater case)で撮影した写真をご紹介します。写真撮影もダイビングもまだ始めたばかりです。ご紹介する写真をみなさんに気に入っていただけるとうれしいです。 All pictures are taken at surrounding islands around Pom Pom [...]

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