Seek & Destroy

~Sally's Diary~ We have accomplished another successful mission for removal of the Crown of Thorns starfish from the beautiful reefs at Mantabuan. Mike, Yunus and myself spent this morning seeking them out and collecting them up into baskets for safe removal from the sea. It is very important not to harm them whilst removing them [...]

Pom Pom Photography #1

Hello and welcome to Pom Pom Photography #1. Today I’ll be posting some underwater pictures that I took with my Canon G10 (WP-DC28 Underwater case). I have just started taking pictures (as well as diving), and hope you like it! ど~も~こんにちは!ポンポン島のジェーソンですー。ポンポン写真館♯1へようこそ。今日は購入したてのカメラ、Canon G10 (WP-DC28 Underwater case)で撮影した写真をご紹介します。写真撮影もダイビングもまだ始めたばかりです。ご紹介する写真をみなさんに気に入っていただけるとうれしいです。 All pictures are taken at surrounding islands around Pom Pom [...]

Pom Pom Diary 21.4.09

Turtle came up at the Beach and laid eggs again during midnight. In the next morning, We collected the turtle eggs ,and transferred them to the protected area… 前日の深夜、海亀がまた産卵に訪れました。翌朝、卵は回収して保護エリアへ移動。。 […]

Resort Activity / リゾートアクティビティ

One of the popular Activity among guest is….. “Island Snorkeling Trip” Pom Pom Island is surrounded by many islands and we provide Snorkeling Boat Trip to each island @ a valuable price! I report the trip for Matabuan Island which has beautiful snorkeling points,at one day in August,2008. ゲストに人気のアクティビティと言えば。。。 ポンポン島周辺の島を巡る「アイランド・シュノーケリングトリップ」(有料) 今回はマタブアン島をレポートします。美しいシュノーケリングポイントがあるマタブアン島。 8月某日にゲストに同行して行ってきました。 Matabuan Island…10-15 minutes by speed [...]

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