Hello and welcome to Pom Pom Photography #1. Today I’ll be posting some underwater pictures that I took with my Canon G10 (WP-DC28 Underwater case). I have just started taking pictures (as well as diving), and hope you like it!

ど~も~こんにちは!ポンポン島のジェーソンですー。ポンポン写真館♯1へようこそ。今日は購入したてのカメラ、Canon G10 (WP-DC28 Underwater case)で撮影した写真をご紹介します。写真撮影もダイビングもまだ始めたばかりです。ご紹介する写真をみなさんに気に入っていただけるとうれしいです。

All pictures are taken at surrounding islands around Pom Pom Island Resort that are about 15-20 minutes away by speedboat ;


Pom Pom Island (House Reef) ポンポン島(ハウスリーフ)
Mantabuan Island (マンタブアン島)
Timba Timba Island (ティンバティンバ島)
Bohaydulong Island (ボハイドゥラン島)
Kalapuan Island (カラプアン島)
Bohayan Island (ボハヤン島)

– Excuse me as I do not have all the Dive Site names with me, I will make sure to put it down for future posts -各島のすべてのダイブサイト名をまだ把握しておりません。。。確認後次回のポスティングにてお知らせします

Peacock Mantis Shrimp

Peacock Mantis Shrimp - モンハナシヤコ

Nudibranch ; Nembrotha cristata

Nudibranch ; Nembrotha cristata

Commensal Shrimp

Commensal Shrimp

Giant Moray & Hinge-break Shrimp

Giant Moray & Hinge-beak Shrimp

Hinge-beak Shrimps

Hinge-beak Shrimps - スザクサラサエビ

Hibiscus on the Jetty

Hibiscus on the Jetty

That’s all for now, will be more coming soon!


No, its not the end of this post yet, I have some videos as well. =)

お~っと!まだまだビデオもございますよ↓ どうぞご覧くださいませ~

“Green Turtle Itch #1”


“Green Turtle Itch #2”


“Returning to Pom Pom”


日本語 – ちえみ

English – Jason

Chiemi: Thank you for translating it to Japanese!