An Ordinary Evening

Hello! It’s been awhile... *bigHug This time around, I’m going to talk about how we spend an ordinary evening in PomPom island. Thus, let’s us keep scrolling down…till the end. Hah! Of course…the most obvious one…taking a selfie! It’s time to change display picture on Facebook..and updating Instagram, isn’t it? *wink         [...]

Thank you Alastair!

Sorry for the delay, this blog is a little belated.  One of our lovely Guests, Alastair from England who visited us for Christmas, sent us some photos of the dives he took with his friends.  Nice photos, which included a Blue Ringed Octopus and Mandarin fish taken during their sunset dives from our Jetty. Thank [...]

By |February 17th, 2011|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |

Yoga on the Jetty

Agnes, our Manager from our Yin Yang Massage centre has been very busy this week with Yoga lessons held at the end of our Jetty.  It has been very popular with our guests, who enjoy watching the sunset whilst practising this relaxing exercise.  Yesterday we had a lovely colourful sunset over towards Bohaydulong Island. 陰陽マッサージセンターのマネージャーアグネスは今週ヨガレッスンで大忙し。桟橋の先端でサンセットを眺めながらのリラックスエクササイズはゲストの間でもとっても人気なのよ。昨日はボハイドゥラン島に沈みゆく美しいグラデーションサンセットを楽しめたわ。Think this [...]

By |January 8th, 2011|Categories: News|Tags: , , |


We had a beautiful sunset last night which was enjoyed by our guests at the Sunset Bar yesterday evening. Our guests from New Zealand and Italy were lucky enough to witness this amazing sunset, very dramatic. They spent a pleasurable hour, relaxing with cocktails and  watching the sea and sky changing colours. 昨晩、サンセットバーではとってもキレイなサンセットが見れたのよ。このとっても美しくてドラマチックなサンセットを楽しんだのはニュージーランドとイタリアからのゲスト。夕焼け色に染まり、変わり行く海と空を眺めながらのカクテルタイム。リラックスのひとときを楽しんだわ。

By |October 4th, 2010|Categories: News|Tags: , |

Yayasan Group visited Pom Pom

Yayasan Group 25 pax from Tawau & Kota Kinabalu visited Pom Pom ! They reached to jetty with "Pom Pom♪ " calling.  地元、タワウとコタキナバルよりヤヤサングループ25名がポンポン島ご訪問。”ポンポン♪” の掛け声とともに桟橋に到着! They enjoyed walking around island, tea time, kayaking,swimming at sunset time, turtle watching from Jetty at night time. 島歩きをしたり、ティータイム、カヤックにサンセットスイミング、夜は桟橋から海亀ウォッチングを楽しみました。

By |November 11th, 2009|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Wedding Photos

One couple visited Pom Pom from Sarawak, Malaysia with photographer to take Wedding photos.マレーシアのサラワクから、1組のカップルが結婚式用の写真を撮りにフォトグラファーと共にポンポンにやって来ました。 Esa & Chiemi assisted them at water villa in sunset time.サンセットタイムにエッサとちえみも水上コテージにてお手伝い。。。 Check out other Wedding posts taken at Pom Pom Island

Pom Pom Diary 21.4.09

Turtle came up at the Beach and laid eggs again during midnight. In the next morning, We collected the turtle eggs ,and transferred them to the protected area… 前日の深夜、海亀がまた産卵に訪れました。翌朝、卵は回収して保護エリアへ移動。。 […]

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