Volley Ball Fever

Its war at the Dive Centre this month!! We have some very keen Italian players/guests who are challenging our local team, its all done in good fun although the score keeping can get a little erratic. They had 3 very close matches last night, its a little hard to take it too seriously, as the [...]

By |July 13th, 2011|Categories: News|Tags: , |

Christmas Decorations

Ciao,Everyone! Do you already have a plan for your Chirstmas?? We will have special things at Pom Pom Resort ! oops,this is still secret….hehehe Now we are going to prepare the things….just finished decorating christmas trees,and now we start to display the decorations in the restaurant. 皆様、こんにちは。クリスマスのご予定はお決まりですかー??ポンポンではスペシャルな事を計画中。。おおっっと!詳細についてはまだまだ秘密です。。。へへへ。。 ただ今、クリスマスの準備中。クリスマスツリーの飾りつけなどが終わり、レストランの飾りつけもこれからはじめます。 Our check out guest today is the [...]

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