Beach Cleaning~~~ La la la

Hello! Hi! Who said cleaning can't be fun? Of course, anything can be done in fun ways. We started our beach cleaning at 5pm and this is our the beginning. Smiling face blooming all over the picture... We cleaned the beach from B16 until the other end. Everything get cleaned up, nothing get left [...]

By |November 14th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

An Ordinary Evening

Hello! It’s been awhile... *bigHug This time around, I’m going to talk about how we spend an ordinary evening in PomPom island. Thus, let’s us keep scrolling down…till the end. Hah! Of course…the most obvious one…taking a selfie! It’s time to change display picture on Facebook..and updating Instagram, isn’t it? *wink         [...]

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