Happy New Year!!!

At Pom Pom Island Resort last night, we had a big celebration to welcome in 2011.  We have some extra activities for our guests, the favourite being the treasure hunt!!  This was a map and lots of questions about Pom Pom Island.  We had several teams taking place, running around looking for clues.  Our winners [...]

By |January 1st, 2011|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , |

Macro Life

Having  spend 12 years as an active diver and 5 of those years as a Padi Instructor, I have enjoyed diving experiences all over the World, the North Sea, Scotland, Egypt, Greece, Cave diving in Sardinia, Malaysia Pennisular to name a few, and on the majority of those dives I would spend my time, looking [...]


Happy New Year from Pom Pom Resort !!! Best Wishes for everyone in 2009. We celebrated new year at pom pom with our guest from Japan,Italy,Germany,and Malaysia. Since Christmas,weather was quite fine almost the days,and we are happy to celebrate our first new year party with our guest. みなさま、あけましておめでとうございます!!!2009年が皆様にとってよい1年になりますように。。クリスマス以来、お天気はとてもよく、ゲストの皆様と一緒に楽しい新年を迎えることができました。 I upload some pictures of New [...]

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