Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2012!!
Pom Pom Resort wishing you a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year 2012!! "May this Christmas brings you Joy & Happiness..."
Pom Pom Resort wishing you a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year 2012!! "May this Christmas brings you Joy & Happiness..."
At Pom Pom Island Resort last night, we had a big celebration to welcome in 2011. We have some extra activities for our guests, the favourite being the treasure hunt!! This was a map and lots of questions about Pom Pom Island. We had several teams taking place, running around looking for clues. Our winners [...]
Last night at Pom Pom Island Resort we had a wonderful Christmas evening, food wise there was sashimi tuna with wasabi sauce, salmon steaks, turkey and roast potatoes. Afterwards the staff demonstrated their local dancing skills for our guests. 昨晩ポンポンリゾートでは最高のクリスマスを過ごしたわ!お刺身にサーモンステーキ、七面鳥にローストポテト。。そのあとはスタッフがローカルダンスをゲストに披露! Mitri, our pastry chief made an amazing gingerbread house to be enjoyed. later we [...]
Merry Christmas and Felice Navidad to all our lovely guests, including past, present and hopefully future guests coming to Pom Pom Island Resort. Last night we had a lovely candlelight dinner for Christmas eve including smoked salmon and a lovely red wine and fruit berry dessert designed by Philippe. We had carol singing by Mosia, [...]
Yesterday evening, we did a research dive to check on the latest position of our Mandarin fish, as soon with our many guests coming for Christmas, we want to be able to make sure that they all get the chance to see these amazing little colourful fish. At about 5.45pm in shallow water, we came [...]
Wishing you A Merry Christmas !!!
Pom Pom Restaurant is now decorated with our Christmas tree. Welcome to Summer Christmas !!!
Happy New Year from Pom Pom Resort !!! Best Wishes for everyone in 2009. We celebrated new year at pom pom with our guest from Japan,Italy,Germany,and Malaysia. Since Christmas,weather was quite fine almost the days,and we are happy to celebrate our first new year party with our guest. みなさま、あけましておめでとうございます!!!2009年が皆様にとってよい1年になりますように。。クリスマス以来、お天気はとてもよく、ゲストの皆様と一緒に楽しい新年を迎えることができました。 I upload some pictures of New [...]
Ciao Bella~~~!!! & Merry Christmas☆☆☆☆☆ We celebrated our fist Pom Pom Christmas with the guest. […]
Ciao Bella~~~~~~~~~(^▽^)/ Raining stopped here just now,and weather is gradually getting better… One couple from local area check out yesterday,they stayed at our Water Villa,and took a diving course. During they stay here,weather was very fine,I think they enjoyed a beautiful view from the water villa standing on the blue lagoon. チャオベラ~、みなさん!ここポンポンでは雨も上がり、天候も少しずつ回復しております。 ローカルのカップルゲストが昨日チェックアウト。このカップルは水上ヴィラへご宿泊、ダイビングコースも受講されました。カップルご滞在中は天候も良好、ブルーラグーンに建つ水上コテージからの美しい景色もお楽しみいただけたとおもいます。 [...]