Turtle season is here!

With the start of the nesting season we have started the turtle walk. Marine biologist, local patrollers, police and guests come together every night at 9pm for a 10min briefing on the turtles and then a 40min/1hour walk around the island hoping to find a nesting green or hawksbill turtle! If the turtle nests the [...]

By |March 4th, 2014|Categories: News|Tags: , |

Ms.Yi Lun from Taiwan

Ms.Yi Lun from Taiwan enjoyed her 1 week holidays with us. We found a big turtle swimming besides jetty at her arrival, it looks like the turtle welcoming her, also  she was lucky to see the baby turtles,too.  Yi Lun took an Open Water Course with our Instructor Eleonora, she is happy to discover the new world of underwater. 台湾からのイールンさんは1週間の休暇をポンポン島で過ごしたのよ。リゾート到着時は桟橋付近を泳ぐ大きな海亀を発見。まるでイールンさんへウェルカムのご挨拶をしているようだったわね。それに、ラッキーなことにリゾートで保護している海亀の巣からうまれた赤ちゃん海亀も見れたのよ。また、リゾートではインストラクターのエレオノラからオープンウォーターのダイビングライセンスも取得!水中世界という新しい体験と世界が広がって彼女もとってもうれしそうだったわ! [...]

By |October 11th, 2011|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Thank you to Helen and David!

Helen and David are our lovely Turtle sponsors from the UK, who have sponsored our nest of 101 Green Turtle eggs laid on the 4th of September. Helen and David joined our Patrol that night and were able to witness when the Mother Turtle laid her eggs! It was also another busy day at the [...]

By |September 23rd, 2011|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , |

Baby Turtles Hatching

Yesterday we had some new arrivals at the hatchery, it looks like being a busy week, as there are many nests due at the moment.  One of the babies was born earlier, but released okay, then the rest came at 5pm, all very active, and released immediately to the sea. [...]

By |September 15th, 2011|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Lots of new Mum and Dad Turtle Sponsors this week!

Wow, we have to say a HUGE thank you to all the Turtle Sponsors who have very generously supported our Turtle Conservation Fund by sponsoring one of our Turtle Nests.  Its great to get the support of our guests for this project, and its certainly been a busy month for all the new eggs we [...]

Turtle Nest outside Beach Villa

Last night our guests staying at Beach Villa 2 had a surprise when they saw a large Green Turtle outside their room making her nest.  We were lucky enough to be able to quietly watch her as she dug the hole then laid her eggs, as it was full moon there was no problem to [...]

By |July 16th, 2011|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Afternoon Arrivals

This afternoon another batch of our turtles arrived, this time lots of Green Turtle Babies, we had some guests that had only just arrived, so they were very happy to be able to join us for the release. Not such a high hatch rate this time, but all the babies born were very lively.  We [...]

By |July 12th, 2011|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

2 more turtle nests!

This week, our turtle patrol has had another successful week having found 2 turtles laying nests.  The first nest was a Green turtle laying 84 eggs and finishing at12.30am, our guests wanted to stay with the patrol till the end and were lucky enough to see the mother return to the sea, although they were [...]

By |June 22nd, 2011|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |
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