Last week we had a very special group of guests come to stay at Pom Pom Island Resort. Our visitors were from Sabah Softwood Berhad, a very successful company based in Tawau. There were here for a 3 day seminar in our Conference Room and came from all over Malaysia. Full of energy and enthusiasm, our special guests also were lucky enough to witness a turtle hatching one evening and had a little time free to enjoy our warm seas for swimming before starting the evening seminar. It was very nice to meet you all, we wish you every success for your Business, and hope to see you again in the future.
先週、スペシャルなグループゲストがポンポン島にご滞在。タワウに本拠地を置くSabah Softwood Berhadの皆様。マレーシア中からポンポン島に集い、リゾートの会議室で3日間のセミナー会を実施。午前の部終了後は午後の部までの限られた時間にスイミングに出るなど皆様とてもパワフル!そしてラッキーなことに赤ちゃん海亀の誕生シーンにも立ち会えたのよ。皆さん、ポンポン島にお越しいただいて本当にありがとうございました!