One of the popular Activity among guest is…..

“Island Snorkeling Trip”

Pom Pom Island is surrounded by many islands and we provide Snorkeling Boat Trip to each island @ a valuable price!

I report the trip for Matabuan Island which has beautiful snorkeling points,at one day in August,2008.





Matabuan Island…10-15 minutes by speed boat from Pom Pom Island.



Departure from Pom Pom Island ↓ ポンポン島出発↓

Departure from Pom Pom by speed boat

Departure from Pom Pom by speed boat

in the boat....

in the boat....


Today's Snorkeling Guide,Mingu☆本日のガイド、ミングー

This day,Sea was calm,and comfortable with cool & fresh sea breeze…..

pass along to the Bohaydulang Island.....ボハイドゥラン島を通過すると...

pass along to the Bohaydulang Island.....ボハイドゥラン島を通過すると...

Reach to the Matabuan,Coconuts Tree Island ! ココナッツツリーの島、マタブアン島に到着!

Reach to the Mantabuan,Coconut Trees Island ! ココナッツツリーの島、マタブアン島に到着!

Visibility was perfect ! photo from the Boat.....透明度もこの通りパーフェクト!ボートより撮影。。

Visibility was perfect ! This photo is the surface of the water from the Boat…..透明度もこの通りパーフェクト!ボートより海面を撮影。。

After Snorkeling,we had Island Walk…..シュノーケル後は島歩き。。。

Isalnd Walk

Island Walk

At Matabuan Island,you can see the sea-gypsy’s life…They live on the sea with house,or boat house….マタブアン島ではシージプシーの生活がご覧いただけます。彼らは海上の高床式ハウスやボートハウスなどで生活しています。

Sea gypsy go to the ocean for 6 month,and come back to the island and stay there 3 month…and then,they repeat this life cycle….This is their Life style….シージプシーは6ヶ月間を海上で過ごした後、島に帰って3ヶ月間島に滞在します。彼らはこの生活サイクルを繰り返して過ごしています。

sea-gipsy children playing with a swing

sea-gypsy children playing with a swing

Sea gypsy are very shy as they hide when they see us….シージプシーは、私達を見ると隠れてしまうほど、とてもシャイ。

Many Coconut Trees....立ち並ぶココナッツの木々。。。

Many Coconut Trees....立ち並ぶココナッツの木々。。。

Island Walk at Beautiful Beach

Island Walk at Beautiful Beach

Matabuan Island is a beautiful small island ,one round about 30 minutes by walking along the beach ….マタブアン島は島をビーチ沿いに一周歩いて30分程の小さなアイランド。。。

You can apply for Island Trip at  Reception Desk  in Pom Pom Resort !

