Macro Life

~Sally's Diary~ Sometimes its really difficult the first time to get divers to see the Macro life you are trying to show them, you are pointing away like a maniac and they nod and smile and you know that they don't see what you are trying to show them.  It takes a bit of time [...]

By |November 18th, 2009|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Macro Life

Having  spend 12 years as an active diver and 5 of those years as a Padi Instructor, I have enjoyed diving experiences all over the World, the North Sea, Scotland, Egypt, Greece, Cave diving in Sardinia, Malaysia Pennisular to name a few, and on the majority of those dives I would spend my time, looking [...]

Pom Pom Photography #1

Hello and welcome to Pom Pom Photography #1. Today I’ll be posting some underwater pictures that I took with my Canon G10 (WP-DC28 Underwater case). I have just started taking pictures (as well as diving), and hope you like it! ど~も~こんにちは!ポンポン島のジェーソンですー。ポンポン写真館♯1へようこそ。今日は購入したてのカメラ、Canon G10 (WP-DC28 Underwater case)で撮影した写真をご紹介します。写真撮影もダイビングもまだ始めたばかりです。ご紹介する写真をみなさんに気に入っていただけるとうれしいです。 All pictures are taken at surrounding islands around Pom Pom [...]

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